Thursday, October 4, 2018

Hermès / Ravinet D'Enfert Lighter Holder for Feudor Disposable Lighter, France ca. 1975

Hermès is a French high fashion luxury goods manufacturer established in 1837. It specializes mainly in leather and lifestyle accessories. Only a few lighter models were branded with Hermes but they were all made by third companies. 

The lighter holder below is a rare item made in small quantity in Paris, France in the 1970s. It was made of brass and heavy silver-plated. The concept of selling such item by Hermes was a bit risky and in the end the market did not accept it. It was expensive and the disposable Feudor gas lighter insert made in Philippines did not match the high-end user expectations. It was the cheapest (4.50 French Francs) disposable lighter Feudor was offering on the market!

The lighter holder was made by Ravinet (Louis) and D'Enfert (Charles) in Paris, France. The company was founded in 1891 and was a leading company in silver and plated silver production which won several international awards during the art deco period (1920-1940). The company ceased activity in 1984. Their address used to be Hotel de Caumartin, 83 rue du Temple, Paris.

The Feudor lighter insert was called the "stick lighter" (fr. le stick), it was cylindrical in shape and could not be refilled. It was a typical throw away item. The Feudor tank was made of a semi-transparent plastic in various colors (vide infra the magazine advertisement from 1974). It was ready available in the 1970s. The top of the lighter and the bottom are made of gold-washed metal. The lighter stick is equipped with a flame adjuster.

The base of the lighter is made in shape of a nest and marked on the bottom: Hermès Paris. Made in France. Also a logo (master mark) of Ravinet D'Enfert logo is punched - RD with a clover resembling a cross. A later version of this holder has a hole punched on the center in order to make it easier to remove the lighter insert.

Scarcity: rare–very rare

Value for very good–mint condition: $120.00–150.00

Weight: ca. 160 grams (without Feudor lighter)

  • height: 6.5 cm (without lighter)
  • diameter: 4.5 cm

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