MaruMan T2 Electric Table Lighter was marketed in the
1970 in Japan. It is one of the most interesting examples of the evolution of
piezoelectric technology fitted in MaruMan table lighters. The first Maruman piezoelectric table lighter was introduced in 1967 and simply called "Business Lighter". It was three years after (December 1964) Mansei Koyo Kabushiki Kaisa of the MaruMan company produced the
first piezo lighter in the world.
This unique table lighter is made of various materials:
brass with gold plating, black and white plastic and of course the heavy hand-cut leadcrystal. The mechanism of the lighter is very simple though still sophisticated:
when the white button is pressed the lighter lits and also a lamp build into the crystal turns red. When the button is released the lamp turns blue. When the button is pressed again both the light and lighter are switched off.
On the lead crystal is a sticker saying:
Hand cut
The flame control, filling hole and the battery compartment are situated in the plastic base which is padded with green felt. It is also marked:
Very similar lighters were manufactured also by another Japanese company called "Modern", for example its model "Gloria".
Type: electric gas (butane) lighter
Scarcity: rare
Value for very good–mint condition: $80.00–120.00 (approx €60.00–90.00)
Weight: 810 grams (1.79 pounds) - without batteries
- height: 17.0 cm (6.7")
- diameter: 10.9 cm (4.3")