Estimating the value of vintage lighters is a very complex process. One need to take into account several factors. The collectors value depends on:
1. Condition
The condition is one of the most fundamental issue for a collector. The most sought after are lighters in mint, pristine condition. The poorer the condition the less valuable is a lighter. It is often the case that the difference in pricing between a lighter in good condition and mint condition is 45-75%. It is worth to now that a mint cigarette lighter should include packaging, instructions, tags etc. To such lighters one refers to as "old new stock" (abbreviated ONS) or "mint in box" (abbreviated MIB).
2. Age
In general, the older the lighter is the better. The main reason for it is scarcity and condition. It is much easier to find a Ronson Crown manufactured in 1952 than a Ronson Crown in the 1936 in excellent or mint condition. Furthermore the closer we are of the modern times the closer the mass production economy model.
3. Brand, model, country, style of origin etc.
People collect everything. I am quite sure it would be impossible to find anything that comes to your mind that people do not collect. The only issue is many of them collects what. Regarding vintage cigarette lighters, collectors often specialize in collecting lighters that can be ascribed to a distinct category, like: German lighters, pocket lighters, figural lighters, lighters made by Evans, lighters made of silver, Art Deco lighters, wick table lighters, etc. The price of a lighter will than depend on the amount of collectors of its kind and fashions. Of course not only lighter collectors look for vintage lighters. You should take into consideration for instance people who are decorating their homes in one particular style, like Art Nouveau - they also will look for lighters in Art Nouveau style.
4. Scarcity
The most important factor for scarcity is the amount of lighters that were manufactured. One can also include the problem of wars in which a lot of goods is being destroyed, etc.
5. Quality and materials used for production
It is quite obvious that a lighter made of gold is more valuable than the one made of silver. The same counts to fine craftsmanship.
OK, are that all factors? Of course not, but these are the most important factors that must be considered in you estimation.
The nominal value of a lighter
Due to inflation the real value of money decreases. It refers to all currencies whether it is a dollar, euro or pound. In opposite to paper money gold does not lose its value due inflation. That is why it is the best mean in the analysis to compare prices and the purchase power of money long term. The nominal value often differs from the real market (collectors) value.

PS. The Zippo Lady Bradford was manufactured between 1949-1951. In addition Zippo started in 1997 (production ceased in 2002) a reissue of the classic Lady Bradford calling it Lady Barbara. It is still available for approx. $100.
PS2. The yearly gold prices since 1793 can be found here.
I was given as a gift a wick lighter elaborately decorated but with no"brand name" stamped on it. The only identification markings are on the bottom of the outside casing: STERLING ?70. There are no other markings. It measures approx 1-1/2" tall x 1" wide, opens like a zippo. I'm only interested in identification. Thanks in advance.
What about working or not condition of the lighters or any other vintage objects, antiques ? Cars, for exemple. A working 1920´s car is it much expensive than one that no works. There are not so much parts in old objects who does not work. Repairs are very hard to do.
@Anonymous: Very good point. I will soon update this post with your hint. Thanks!
Can someone give me some insight on how to find a vintage lighter appraiser in the Atlanta GA area? I have an old clear Bakelite block table lighter with 1921 Morgan silver dollar inlaid in it with an Evans lighter. I need coin and lighter appraiser, I guess. Help?? =}
I have a 1931 commemorative lighter ciggerett holder, epic non-stop flight 5011 miles.
Russell Boardman John Pollardo,for sale, any takers?
I am looking for information on a Rowenta electric table lighter powered by a 22 1/2 volt battery
I have inherited a metal ashtray stand with marble looking white/pink swirl flowers going up the stem and a rounded base white glass base above the metal feet! The tray for the ashtray is a round metal with a metal curved arm that goes over the tray and attaches on 2 sides, in the arm is a holder for the working lighter. The only brand name/manufacturer I can find is on the bottom of the light and it says, Ronson Banker Trademark Toronto, Canada, Canada Pats. 288.148-289.889 J.S. Pat.Re 19023.
If anyone could tell me the year it was made, value with ashtray and lighter etc., I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you
I have an Ascot pagoda lighter , green, in box w. instructions. ANY IDEA OF WORTH?
any idea how much a ronson combination lighter and cigerette case is woth in box with felt bag never used is worth ?
I have This Zebra Brand Lighter from Japan. Is very old. Is brand new. Can't find this brand in website. Is full metal n refuel type.. any idea how much it worth?
i have a cohibra gatsby lighter anyone got any idea on what its worth ?
I have a fisher 1950's lighter on the bottom it says: super quality design regid no Idea what it's worth can't find any info on it either
I have a Cartier sold gold lighter watch from the 1920's or 30's and unable to find it's true value. This piece seems to be quite rare. I have it on ebay for auction. Do you have any idea to it's value?
I have a gold Cartier lighter, serial no.D49606 and a stamp and some printing. Any idea of it's worth.Randell
I have a 14k gold plated unused lighter from 1965 with a raised image of the new Mint casino opening in Las Vegas, along with the initials MT on the lid. It is in its original plastic case along with the paper description. Of course, the casino is no longer there. Would be interested in its worth.
around 200
I have a few Colibri Kick start snake skin covered lighters, with box and old 1930s style original instructions. I can only find one man selling one when you google this description but without box or instructions. Any ideas???
kirstie_jane@hotmail.com for pics :)
i have a "varaflame fantasy" ronson in working order seems to be in great shape. how much would this be worth? i bought it a garage sale 10yrs ago for $3.00.
i have a queen anne ronson lighter in good condition how much would it be worth
I have a "Knight" lighter which isn't working
correctly.....is there a place I could send it
for repair?
how much is my ronson de.light made in newark u.s.a pat no 19023 worth aslo has pondlight stamped on it ?
I have a cigarette lighter-looking perfume atomizer. In other words it looks like a cigarette lighter, but is a perfume atomizer. Can't find it anywhere. On the bottom is U.S. Pat. (1,791,440) then a # under the flat-head screw (1,900,000) Kent is under that. Trying to find value. Thank you.
I have a vintage Nimrod sportsman pipeliter in orginal box. I was wondering if it was worth anything.
I found an old lighter out in my grandfathers shed. I believe iy belong to my great grandfather who was in world war 2 i found a bit of information in it but i can't find a price value for it. It is in excellent condition no marks and/scratches. Its a 1930 white lighter from the white co. Abilene Texas. Anyone have information on this??? email jadedlover6987@bellsouth.net with subject title "WHITE LIGHTER" thank you in advance.
I have a Cartier serial # 30056 C which I just opened from the late 60's...Sterling Silver..what would it be worth
I have s.p slip/wheel lighter 1920.how much it worth
I have an old ronson gem lighter I found 25 years ago under a tree house when I was a kid. It has a trapezoid with four rivets on top and bottom. The trapezoid with rivets is level. I am not worried about the value as I have no intention of selling it, but would live to know it's true age. On the bottom it says u.s. patent 2,461,195 if that helps.
I found an old ronson gem lighter under a tree house when I was a kid, over 25 years ago. The lighter has a level trapezoid with eight small rivets, four on top, four on bottom. Not really so much worried about the value of the lighter as I have no intentions of selling it, but would love to know how old it is, if anyone's an expert.
Hi I have a ronson capri still in its original box,unused, with what looks like an engraved bullet on...its says on the bottom made in england..pat nos 62157 675367 724448..I inherited this off my grandfather, and would love any info on this beautiful lighter
I have a ronson varaflame lighter, belonged to ex Manchester United FA cup finalist Les Olive, initials and FA engraved silver( not sure if chrome) in excellent condition in box never used would love to have it valued please no body can seem to help?? Please thanks.
I have a Clark lighter for sale 18kt gold electro plated pat. July 27th 1926 still in the box case with directions wanted to know how much its worth ? if anyone would like to buy it email me new1965@yahoo.com I can send pictures let me know
I have a Queen Anne table lighter that was given to me from my Grandfather just before he passed away. It says on the bottom of the lighter . Ronson Queen ANNE Trade Mark made in England . Reg: 850882 .Should I use some kind of cleaner on it? It looks like it may be Silver and is very tarnished.
Just wondering if anybody can advise me of the value of my father's 21st gift 61 years ago which is a " Silver Auto Windsor Deluxe lighter fully automatic with case" still in excellent condition. Original box & instructions in very good to excellent condition. Definitely requires a flint, & some fluid. Pat No: is 479739. Look forward to any response.
I have a Mint Casino lighter, circa 1965. On bottom - slim lighter USA 14 KT gold plate. Image of the Mint is raised circle, about size of dime. There are initials on the top plate, A M. I noticed a post from 2012, describing this lighter with initials M T. What is the significance of lettering?
I have a Mylflam lighter. It has an engraved map of the southern half of Spain and Italy, Sicily and the northwest Africa. The following African cities are shown: Bengasi, Tripoli, Tunis, Sidi Slimane, Rabat, Casablanca, Nouasseur and Benguerir. In addition it has twin palm trees, two mountain ranges and a commercial airplane with 3 vertical stabilizers and possible 4 engines. The land masses are outlined in red.
Can anyone give me an approximate value? My email is: jack5jon@att.net
Thank you
Just wondering how much my cartier lighter is worth?if anyone can help?
I have a colibri unused in original packaging , celephane and lift up plastic display case. Also unused warrenty and instructions . I am trying to find out its worth please , or where I can ask to find out its worth . Thank you
Help from an enthusiast please.
I have a Cigarette Table Lighter in form of a Communist MIG, early model? Jet Fighter, Made in Germany (Western Wall Side/ Communist USSR). This is an Extremely Rare piece of Machinery, and no other model of this kind can be found, or any reference to it. It is painted in fine, iridescent sky blue, as I believe the real MIG’s were, making them hard to see on a clear blue sky. This model is actually named to the base “MADE IN GERMANY”, and is comprised of intricate assembly and fine jewellers screws, etc. Pressure on the Radio/Radar aerial in front of the front jet air intake, flicks open the cockpit and ignites the wick. No mention can be found regarding this Communist design lighter, even after many hours of Web searching. Dimensions are approx..: Aerial to tail fins 17cm x wingspan 13cm, x max. height to aerial point 10.5cm.
Happy to get contact, e-mail: trevor@artedeco.com.au BUT tried to do URL no sucess, so listed as "unknown"
i have an old Ronson lighter i found in the garbage 6 years ago. Its in a black plastic case with ronson on the front. The back says box made in england. The inside is cream colored and reads by appointment to H.S.N i believe. The duke of edinburgh. Suppliers of electric shavers. Ronson products ltd. Butane ronson varaflame. There is no date. The lighter itself is silver with a single stainless strip going down the side. Like a groove. It has a single screw at the top of the strip. Other then that its a solid silver and smooth. When you click it down the top opens for the flame. It has a spinning dial of some sort that you can turn. Two spinning dials underneath for a flint and for butane refill i believe. Ive looked up lighters online and no matter what website i got onto i couldnt find this lighter. Id love to send pictures if i could. Im not sure if you specalize in this or if i went to the wrong place. I just would really like to know about it and its value. Thank you!
Hi! I found a vintage Ronson lighter, it looks like a mayfair, but the bottom doesn't say mayfair. the bottom reads "Ronson U.S. Patre NO. 19023" and then "Art Metal WKS inc. Newark, N.J.U.S.A.
I have a Dorset electronic lighter with a stamp on the bottom that says, Grandfather Club 1964. Does anyone have any information about it?
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